00:20:33 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Welcome to those joining us early! We will be starting the webinar at 8 PM ET 00:20:55 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Please enjoy the sounds of Classical Chinese pipa or lute 00:25:57 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: You can view info on the full Coalition Peace webinar series on their site here: https://www.coalitionpeaceinitiative.org/activities/ 00:27:21 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: 👉 Register through Zoom with your name to receive reminders for all 9 weeks: http://tiny.cc/registertruth 👉 View the webinars later on CODEPINK's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/codepinkaction 00:27:47 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: After each webinar, the links for the replay video and the audio podcast files, as well as the ChatBox comments can also be found on the Coalition Peace Initiative website: https://www.coalitionpeaceinitiative.org/replay-files-for-webinar-series/ 00:32:43 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Thank you everyone for joining us for week 4 in this educational series on the US & China! 00:35:00 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Thank you to this webinar series’ co-sponsoring orgs: CODEPINK - Women for Peace: Follow the CODEPINK China Is Not Our Enemy campaign at http://codepink.org/china & on Twitter at https://twitter.com/chinanotenemy 
 Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (GA) https://www.global-alliance.net/mission.html
 Hawai’i Peace and Justice http://www.wp.hawaiipeaceandjustice.org/ 
 International Action Center (IAC) https://iacenter.org/ 
 International Peace Bureau (IPB) https://www.ipb.org/ 
 New Jersey Alliance for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (NJ-ALPHA) https://nj-alpha.org/ 
 Pivot to Peace https://peacepivot.org/ 
 Toronto ALPHA Education
 https://www.alphaeducation.org/ Veterans for Peace – Hawai’i – Chapter 113 Veterans for Peace – Northern New Jersey Chapter Veterans for Peace – San Francisco – Chapter https://www.veteransforpeace.org/ 00:36:36 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: You can view info on the full Coalition Peace webinar series topics & speakers on their site here: https://www.coalitionpeaceinitiative.org/activities/ 00:37:27 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: After each webinar, the links for the replay video and the audio podcast files, as well as the ChatBox comments will be sent out to registrants and can be found on the Coalition Peace Initiative website: https://www.coalitionpeaceinitiative.org/replay-files-for-webinar-series/ 00:39:18 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Follow Pivot to Peace on Twitter!
https://twitter.com/peacepivot 00:47:36 Josh Diamond: thanks! 00:49:23 Mei Lam: If want the power point document to be bigger, you see the 2 thin parallel lines in the middle of the right margin of the Power Point and extend that to the right for a bigger view of the power point. 00:50:26 Peter Lam: There are aleady a couple of facts I did not know....30% of product made in China in 19th century?! 00:52:08 Peter Lam: Is it like the US selling old war machines to others to make great profit at this time!! 00:53:29 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: US East Coast wealth and Ivy League institutions were built up by US theft/smuggling/pillaging during the Opium Wars 00:54:03 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Britain was the biggest imperial force in China but US citizens often aren’t taught that the US was involved too! 00:54:14 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: Forbes, Barings were both drug runners. 00:54:43 Alvin Ja: Delanos, too. (FDR) 00:55:20 sandy w: So were the Sassoon Family of Shanghai. They were known as the "Rothschilds of the East" according to their wiki. They profited off the Opium drug trade BIG time. They have a famous Sassoon house on Shanghai's Bund/river. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sassoon_family 00:56:04 sandy w: Madison -Do you have any names or things to look up regarding US citizens and the connection to Ivy Leagues. 00:58:49 sandy w: Interestingly, living Sassoon descendants were named in the recent Paradise Papers that exposed off-shore bank accounts. 01:03:19 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Sandy, I think you probable know more names than I do based on your chats above! 01:05:08 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: When we hear the US gov’t & mainstream media implement radicalized characterizations of Chinese culture and people as “deceptive” or prone to “espionage” and “theft,” you can see how much projection is involved in comparison to Western theft of Chinese resources during the Opium Wars 01:05:53 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Sandy, yes, the source for that info is KJ Noh of Pivot to Peace in his piece “The U.S. is Set on a Path to War with China. What Is to be Done?”

https://www.qiaocollective.com/en/articles/what-is-to-be-done 01:06:08 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: “This violence, banditry, and racism, justified by the belief in the subhuman nature of the Chinese, became normalized practice against the Chinese over two centuries, and great American fortunes—Perkins, Astor, Forbes, Cabot, Delano (Roosevelt)—and Ivy league institutions at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia were built on this extraction and narco-trafficking. “ 01:06:24 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Perkins, Astor, Forbes, Cabot, Delano (Roosevelt) 01:06:34 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia 01:07:24 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: 👆💯RE Projection. 01:08:18 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Oh sorry I meant to type “implement racialized characterizations” not “radicalized” but it autocorrected 01:08:37 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Zoom 🙄 01:10:48 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Sandy, that is the key sentence of that article that mentions the names and schools built off of Opium War extraction/smuggling, but I’m sure there’s more info out there! 01:14:35 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: Does anyone know the literacy rate in China when the Western colonial powers initially appeared, and how it was affected by the Western colonial powers? TIA for the feedback. 01:15:28 Stefan Langenborg: I imagine it would be a similar case as India, but maybe less so given china was a semi colony 01:15:43 Stefan Langenborg: if anyone knows the answer I'd be interested too! 01:15:56 sandy w: https://www.languagemagazine.com/the-single-greatest-educational-effort-in-human-history/ 01:16:06 sandy w: https://pages.ucsd.edu/~dkjordan/cgi-bin/moreabout.pl?tyimuh=chineseliteracy 01:16:20 Jean Dere: illiteracy was at least 8o% 01:16:31 Stefan Langenborg: thanks sandy! 01:16:45 sandy w: "Information from the mid- and late nineteenth century suggests that 30 to 45 percent of the men and from 2 to 10 percent of the women in China knew how to read and write. This group included the fully literate members of the elite and, on the opposite pole, those knowing only a few hundred characters." 01:16:46 sandy w: np! 01:17:02 Stefan Langenborg: underscores that mao is a world historic hero 🙏🙏 01:18:25 Stefan Langenborg: very interesting story about how the last 'emperor' was treated by the communist government 01:18:32 Alvin Ja: Thanks, Ken! 01:19:55 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Thank you Dr. Hammond for that comprehensive overview! 01:21:24 George Prudent: I have read that many American aristocratic families made a substantial portion of their wealth via the opium trade, can you identify and expound on these families that we are all familiar with? 01:22:06 Stefan Langenborg: India served as the market Britain could dump their manufactured goods as well 01:22:19 Alvin Ja: Note the hypocrisy of current sanctions regime that enforces US law extraterritorially. 01:23:45 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: I can't wait to get the copy of the chat. So many links and points to research. Great session. 01:24:20 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: *a copy... 01:25:28 Stefan Langenborg: Japan has never meaningfully atoned for its imperial criminality against china 01:26:00 Stefan Langenborg: not that any imperial powers have shown a willingness for atonement 01:26:35 Alvin Ja: HK protesters idealize a mythical benevolent Britain, ignorant about the true nature of British colonialism. 01:27:08 Stefan Langenborg: repugnant to see old colonial flags in these color revolution 'uprisings', so insulting and ahistorical 01:27:52 Alvin Ja: Yes, historical context is critical! 01:29:00 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Sharp as ever, Don! 😁 01:29:48 Valerie Webster: Was there an actual policy by Britain and others to deindustrialize China in the 19th century? 01:30:24 Stefan Langenborg: that's a natural outcome of imperialism/colonialism regardless of whether it is conscious or not 01:30:26 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: RE: Protestors in HK and Benevolent Britain. It unfortunately shows how brutal colonization is. It sadly takes ages to decolonize one's mind. 01:31:02 Alvin Ja: Dissected by Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks/ 01:31:11 Stefan Langenborg: colonial relationships will always necessarily deindustrialize because the colony serves as a dumping ground for the empires manufactured goods 01:31:24 Stefan Langenborg: and pushes the colony into a role of raw material provider 01:32:16 Alvin Ja: It's a version of "Me Too" 01:32:21 Stefan Langenborg: absolutely fahim, the decolonization of the mind is critical, and most people are not even conscious of the fact that they have internalized the colonial mindset 01:32:44 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: CODEPINK recently organized a webinar on Hong Kong with Pivot to Peace co-founders Michael Wong & Retired Judge Julie Tang that can be viewed here:

https://youtu.be/Q_-uOwHRfcQ 01:33:11 Stefan Langenborg: that same colonial mindset is what gives Americans the impression that their government should be able to dictate the policies and internal affairs of the whole world 01:33:22 Stefan Langenborg: including americans on the 'left' 01:33:38 Alvin Ja: Like "Me Too" clauses in union contracts. 01:34:22 Alvin Ja: Yes, White Saviorism exists in the 'Left' 01:35:18 sandy w: Alvin Ja -what are Me Too clauses in union contracts and how does it relate ot the topic at hand? i'm out of the loop 01:35:47 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Sandy asked this: Alvin Ja -what are Me Too clauses in union contracts and how does it relate to the topic at hand? i'm out of the loop 01:36:02 Jeffery Hull: Thank You Ken 01:36:03 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: BTW, does Hong Kong still have the GCE/IGCE/IGCSE system of schooling, like in the UK where students do their O Levels and A Levels and then go to university? 01:36:10 Stefan Langenborg: thank you professor Hammond 01:36:16 sandy w: Mei -no, she did not answer them. 01:36:17 Alvin Ja: Not directly related. But if one union gets something, another union gets it too. 01:36:38 Alvin Ja: Thanks, Ken. Very educational! 01:36:38 Peter Lam: Professor Mammon, thank you. very informative. 01:36:40 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: Thanks you Dr. Hammond! 01:37:21 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Join us next week for Webinar 5 – 10/20/2021: 1919 May 4 Student Movement, Second Sino-Japanese War & WWII, 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty. Potential flash points: Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands, South China Sea Islands (Feat. Dr. Hammond) 01:37:56 Alvin Ja: Thanks, Don & CPI Team 01:37:57 Kaitlin Blanchard: Thank you speakers! 01:38:07 Stefan Langenborg: much appreciated all 01:38:11 Ismaeel Abdur-Rasheed: Thank you 01:38:12 Jeffery Hull: Thank you 01:38:29 FAHIM SHIRAZEE: Thank you all! 01:38:30 Julie Tang: Thanks for the seminar 01:38:36 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Hope you all learned about what is known as the Century of Humiliation in China 01:38:42 Andrew Chang: Thank you 01:38:42 Madison Tang, CODEPINK: Thank you for joining!